Spring Boot's Hidden Gems: Advanced Techniques for Conditional Configuration

April 2, 2023    Post   1356 words   7 mins read

I. Introduction

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java applications, especially microservices and cloud-native applications. It provides a convenient and opinionated way to configure and bootstrap your application, reducing the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

One powerful feature of Spring Boot is its support for conditional configuration. Conditional configuration allows you to specify different settings or behaviors based on certain conditions, such as the environment in which your application is running or the presence of certain dependencies.

In this blog post, we will explore some advanced techniques for conditional configuration in Spring Boot. These techniques will help you customize your application’s behavior based on specific requirements, making it more flexible and adaptable to different environments.

II. Advanced Conditional Configuration Techniques

1. Profile-specific configuration

Profiles are a way to group related configurations together and activate them based on certain conditions. Spring Boot provides an @Profile annotation that you can use to mark beans or components with a specific profile.

By using profiles, you can define different sets of properties for each profile in separate files (e.g., application-dev.properties, application-prod.properties). When starting your application, you can activate a specific profile by setting the spring.profiles.active property in your configuration.

For example, let’s say you have two profiles: “dev” and “prod”. You can define properties specific to each profile in their respective property files:

# application-dev.properties

# application-prod.properties

Then, in your main class or any other component, you can annotate beans with the @Profile annotation:

public class DevConfiguration {
    // ...

public class ProdConfiguration {
    // ...

When you start your application with the “dev” profile, Spring Boot will load the DevConfiguration and use the properties defined in application-dev.properties. Similarly, when starting with the “prod” profile, it will load the ProdConfiguration and use the properties from application-prod.properties.

2. Environment-specific configuration

In addition to profiles, Spring Boot provides annotations like @ConditionalOnProperty that allow you to conditionally enable or disable certain configurations based on property values.

The @ConditionalOnProperty annotation can be used to specify a property key and its expected value. If the specified property is present and has the expected value, then the annotated configuration will be activated.

For example, let’s say you have a feature that should only be enabled if a specific property is set to true:

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "myapp.feature.enabled", havingValue = "true")
public class FeatureConfiguration {
    // ...

In this case, if the property myapp.feature.enabled is set to “true” in your configuration (e.g., in your application.properties file), then Spring Boot will activate the FeatureConfiguration.

You can also use custom condition annotations by implementing your own condition classes. This gives you more flexibility in defining complex conditions based on multiple properties or external factors.

3. Bean creation based on conditions

Sometimes, you may want to create beans only if certain conditions are met. Spring Boot provides annotations like @ConditionalOnBean and @ConditionalOnMissingBean for this purpose.

The @ConditionalOnBean annotation allows you to specify one or more bean types that must be present for the annotated configuration to be activated. On the other hand, the @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotation activates a configuration only if the specified bean types are not present.

For example, let’s say you have a configuration that should only be activated if a specific bean is present:

public class MyConfiguration {
    // ...

In this case, the MyConfiguration will only be activated if a bean of type MyService is present in the application context. If the bean is not found, the configuration will be skipped.

You can also implement custom conditions for bean creation by implementing the Condition interface. This allows you to define more complex conditions based on any criteria you need.

III. Leveraging SpEL (Spring Expression Language)

Another powerful feature of Spring Boot is its support for SpEL (Spring Expression Language). SpEL allows you to dynamically evaluate expressions at runtime, enabling advanced conditional configuration based on complex logic.

SpEL can be used in various places within your Spring Boot application, such as property values, annotations, and XML configurations. It provides a rich set of operators and functions that allow you to manipulate and combine values in expressive ways.

For example, let’s say you want to conditionally enable a feature based on multiple properties:

@ConditionalOnExpression("#{${myapp.feature.enabled} && ${myapp.environment} == 'prod'}")
public class FeatureConfiguration {
    // ...

In this case, the FeatureConfiguration will only be activated if both myapp.feature.enabled property is true and myapp.environment property is set to “prod”. The expression inside @ConditionalOnExpression uses SpEL syntax to evaluate these conditions dynamically.

By leveraging SpEL, you can create highly flexible and dynamic configurations that adapt to different scenarios or requirements.


In this blog post, we explored some advanced techniques for conditional configuration in Spring Boot. We discussed profile-specific configuration, environment-specific configuration, and bean creation based on conditions. We also highlighted the power of SpEL in enabling advanced conditional configuration.

By utilizing these hidden gems of Spring Boot, you can customize your application’s behavior based on specific requirements, making it more flexible and adaptable to different environments. These techniques are especially useful when building microservices or cloud-native applications that require fine-grained control over their configurations.

I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights into the advanced techniques for conditional configuration in Spring Boot. Happy coding!

Spring Boot’s Hidden Gems: Advanced Techniques for Conditional Configuration

I. Requirements

Technical Requirements:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) - a version compatible with the latest Spring Boot release.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or text editor for Java development (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code).
  • Maven or Gradle build tool for dependency management and project building.
  • Spring Boot Starter dependencies to create a Spring Boot application.
  • A properties file or YAML file for profile-specific configurations.

Functional Requirements:

  1. Implement profile-specific configurations using @Profile annotation and separate property files for “dev” and “prod” profiles.
  2. Utilize @ConditionalOnProperty to enable or disable features based on property values.
  3. Use @ConditionalOnBean and @ConditionalOnMissingBean to control bean creation based on the presence or absence of specific beans.
  4. Leverage SpEL (Spring Expression Language) with @ConditionalOnExpression to enable advanced conditional configurations based on complex logic.

II. Demo Implementation

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ConditionalOnProperty;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ConditionalOnBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ConditionalOnMissingBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ConditionalOnExpression;

public class ConditionalConfigDemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ConditionalConfigDemoApplication.class, args);

class DevConfiguration {
    // Define beans and settings specific to the development environment
    public String devDatabaseConnection() {
        // This bean would actually return a DataSource configured for the dev environment
        return "Development DB Connection";

class ProdConfiguration {
    // Define beans and settings specific to the production environment
    public String prodDatabaseConnection() {
        // This bean would actually return a DataSource configured for the prod environment
        return "Production DB Connection";

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "myapp.feature.enabled", havingValue = "true")
class FeatureConfiguration {
    // Configuration that should be enabled when 'myapp.feature.enabled' is true
    public String featureSpecificComponent() {
        return "Feature-Specific Component";

@ConditionalOnBean(name = "requiredService")
class OnBeanConditionConfiguration {
    // Configuration that should be enabled only if 'requiredService' bean is present

@ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "optionalService")
class OnMissingBeanConditionConfiguration {
    // Configuration that should be enabled only if 'optionalService' bean is not present

@ConditionalOnExpression("#{${myapp.feature.enabled} && '${myapp.environment}' == 'prod'}")
class SpelExpressionConfiguration {
    // Configuration that should be enabled based on SpEL expression evaluation

III. Impact Statement

The demo implementation showcases how Spring Boot’s advanced conditional configuration techniques can be used to create flexible and adaptable applications. By using profile-specific configurations, developers can easily switch between different environments like development and production without changing the codebase.

The use of conditional annotations such as @ConditionalOnProperty, @ConditionalOnBean, @ConditionalOnMissingBean, and @ConditionalOnExpression allows developers to fine-tune their application’s behavior based on various criteria, ensuring that components are only loaded when appropriate.

Leveraging SpEL provides an additional layer of flexibility by enabling complex logic in configuration conditions. These techniques are particularly valuable in microservices and cloud-native applications where different instances may need distinct configurations.

Overall, this mini-project demonstrates how Spring Boot’s conditional configuration can significantly enhance the modularity and maintainability of Java applications, making them more robust in face of changing requirements and environments.