I write about things I’m interested in to learn, reflect, and explore

Micro-Optimizations in Java Spring Boot: Enhancing Performance in Critical Systems

December 9, 2022   Post   1185 words  6 mins read
As a senior software developer, I have had the opportunity to work on critical systems where performance is of utmost importance. In such systems, even a slight improvement in performance can make a significant difference. One technology that has proven to be highly effective in building high-performance systems is Java Spring Boot. In this blog post, I will explore the world of micro-optimizations in Java Spring Boot and how they can enhance performance in critical systems.
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Securing RESTful APIs with OAuth2 in Spring Boot: A Step-by-Step Guide

November 20, 2022   Post   1287 words  7 mins read
In today’s digital world, securing RESTful APIs has become crucial to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity of transactions. One popular security protocol that provides a robust solution for API authentication and authorization is OAuth2. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to implement OAuth2 in Spring Boot to secure your RESTful APIs effectively. 1. Introduction to OAuth2 and RESTful APIs Explanation of OAuth2 protocol OAuth2 is an open standard protocol that allows secure authorization between different applications or services without sharing passwords.
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Exploring Functional Programming in JavaScript and TypeScript: Concepts and Applications

October 7, 2022   Post   1595 words  8 mins read
I. Introduction to Functional Programming Functional programming is a paradigm that focuses on writing code in a declarative and immutable manner. It emphasizes the use of pure functions, which are functions that always produce the same output given the same input and have no side effects. In functional programming, data is treated as immutable, meaning it cannot be changed once created. Compared to imperative programming, where code is written as a series of statements that modify state, functional programming provides several benefits.
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From JavaScript to TypeScript: A Migration Guide

August 2, 2022   Post   1779 words  9 mins read
As a senior software developer, you may have heard about TypeScript and its benefits for building robust and scalable applications. In this blog post, we will explore the process of migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript, the advanced features that TypeScript offers, and real-world examples of successful migrations. So let’s dive in! Understanding TypeScript Introduction to TypeScript TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript. It was developed by Microsoft and has gained popularity among developers due to its ability to catch potential errors during development through static analysis.
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Efficient Batch Processing in Java with Spring Boot: Best Practices

May 29, 2022   Post   1791 words  9 mins read
Introduction Batch processing is a critical aspect of many enterprise applications, especially when dealing with large volumes of data. It involves executing a series of tasks or operations on a set of data records in a batch, rather than individually. This approach offers several advantages, including improved performance, reduced overhead, and the ability to process large datasets efficiently. Efficient batch processing is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization in enterprise applications.
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Advanced Data Handling: Integrating Spring Boot with NoSQL Databases

May 12, 2022   Post   1341 words  7 mins read
As a senior software developer, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in data handling is crucial. One such trend that has gained significant popularity in recent years is the use of NoSQL databases. These databases offer a flexible and scalable solution for managing large volumes of unstructured data, making them ideal for modern software development. However, integrating NoSQL databases with Spring Boot applications can be challenging and complex. In this blog post, we will explore advanced techniques for handling data in Spring Boot applications using NoSQL databases.
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Harnessing the Power of TypeScript in Node.js: Building a Scalable Backend Architecture

May 7, 2022   Post   1275 words  6 mins read
Introduction to TypeScript and its Benefits in Node.js As a senior software developer, I have witnessed the rapid growth and adoption of TypeScript in the Node.js ecosystem. TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript code. It brings several advantages over traditional JavaScript development, making it an excellent choice for building scalable backend architectures. One of the key benefits of TypeScript is its ability to enhance code quality, maintainability, and scalability.
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